Sunday, 19 August 2018

On The Mat Day 1027: Making BJJ youtube videos

So I thought I would try giving something back to the community. BJJ techniques are notoriously difficult to explain in words. They don't even have proper names for each technique as is the case with Judo. With this in mind, I decided to try making some technique videos. For over a year, I've already been creating sparring videos each time I go training at the club but I've never really edited them.

Here it is below.

I made it using the free version of Lightworks and it gave me an appreciation as to how much time it takes for people to edit Youtube videos. It got me so frustrated some times that I wanted to give up. However, I persevered and here it is. One of my favourite passes for the knee shield guard. Although I shot it in 4K, the free version of Lightworks only allows me to output it in 720p. Maybe if I continue to enjoy making videos I will buy the PRO version. I still have a lot to learn about the software.