Wednesday, 11 January 2017

On The Mat Day 792: Maybe Snow Soon

I cycled to the club this morning with the cold drizzle in my face but I felt sort of happy. For a moments it reminded me of the times I used to walk to school in England as a young boy. The British weather really toughens you up as a kid. Not many people attended today. Just the 4 of us and K-sensei showed us sitting guard variations.

Rolling today:

I've been rolling my neck with a tennis ball on top of a yoga block each night and I think it has helped because my neck feels less strained today. I just have to be careful.

Pull up bar in my hallway
I installed my pull up bar on the 2nd floor yesterday ready for P90X. It's directly outside my room for easy access. I just cut some pieces of wood, routered them to shape, varnished them and screwed them to the studs in the wall. It's very solid.

I've also been trying to slowly shift into eating healthy. After BJJ I went to the local shopping centre and ate what is probably my favourite post workout meal. Yakimo, tomatoes and Yakitori.
Post workout meal

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