Monday, 24 March 2014

On the Mat Day 473: Marco Barbosa back in Japan

I'm feeling exhausted right now. I woke up at 6.30 am stayed in bed for about half an hour, fading in and out of sleep, then woke up and did P90X. My chest and arms were really pumped after it but they also felt like lead at Jits training today. I've been seriously thinking about escapes a lot recently and really buckling down and mastering them. I usually go to the club and have in my head that when I spar with white belts and such I will let them pass and then work escapes. The thing is my ego usually gets the better of me and I end up not doing that OR they are so easy to sweep that there is little time to work on my stuff from bottom. Today thought I really bit down and worked hard to put myself in bad positions to escape from. There were even some instances where I swept but didn't come up so could continue working escapes. Sunday's 2 hour drill sessions are helping a lot, I wish I had that time from the very beginning. If I ever teach BJJ in the future I will have at least a loose curriculum starting with escapes for the first few months.

Marco Barbosa arrived in Japan last week and held a seminar on the 21st. I couldn't go due to work but will attend his tournament here. I think this year they are planning to keep it small in numbers because the last one went on for quite a while and everyone seemed exhausted. I'm certainly feeling stronger and my cardio is much better due to doing P90X. I'm at around day 33 right now so it will be interesting to see if this new found strength and energy will help me do well finally at purple belt.

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