Thursday, 21 June 2018

On The Mat Day 1004: Losing Weight

Hey, I'm past the 1,000 lesson mark!

I've been dieting for over a month now. Since I got back from England in early April, weighing in at almost 75 kg, I've managed to drop to just under 72 kg. I've simply counted calories and tried to eat healthier. I got really sick of looking like a fat bastard with a growing tyre around my middle. I've noticed my shoulders look leaner and I feel lighter when sparring. It's also much easier to invert I have less meat on my abdomen. Saying that, it seems that fat around my middle has been the most stubborn to leave. I think it's an over 40s thing. I'll be competing at Lightweight on July 1 (under 76 kg) so I am easily there. I've probably gone a kg too far. I just want to keep on going to see if I can hit a lighter weight.

The Japanese climate can be very misleading. Today appeared to be a very mild cloudy day just after rainfall but training today was disgustingly hot. It's the humidity that gets to me. I can never get used to it. I start overheating like a hairy dog left out in the sun. Today after sparring with everyone, I switched to nogi. It's the sane thing to do. Our blue belts who attend the afternoon class are getting very good. It's a pleasure to roll with them. I see them improving each time, particularly escapes, and they are quite technical.

I also recently bought some gravity boots which I am about to put on now and hang upside down. I tried them out yesterday and will write a review on them soon.

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