Saturday 14 January 2012

On the Mat Day 222: New Rash Guard

My rash guard came from Meerkatsu today, finally. I think I must have ordered this something like 3 months ago or thereabouts. It was immediately noticeable when I wore it under my black Vulkan kimono last night. Gasps and shakes of heads followed by hade dane which means "damn that's really loud" (in a colourful way). This is coming from guys who go to a BJJ gym where tatoos are the norm even though the country has a taboo on them. Go figure that out.

I rolled with Kamiya last night and caught him quite a lot of times. I wasn't even rolling to get anything apart from hopefully get some side control escapes going. Sadly I just don't seem to want to flop down and let him take side control because it just seems wrong to do that, sort of cheeky even. My guard is getting better, I am harder to pass, and he mentioned it to me after the round. This makes me happy but it sort of is expected because it is my main thing now to be on bottom. Rarely do I try takedowns besides single legs or Sumi gaeshi. If they are not there I will pull to open guard and work something.

Kawai-san was there too and without fail I always manage to get my feet somehow akwardly trapped under him when he sweeps me. It only ever happens with him. He also rolled over my leg and his elbow sank down into my inner thing like a knife into butter and damn if it didn't hurt. I have the bruise to show for it today and a funny walk. I'm cool with that though, as long as it's not a tendon or joint I'm good to go. I stuck around at class for a little bit to practice a couple of gi chokes with K-sensei. After such a stressful week at work it was a good way to end it and realease all that stress.

Sparring time: 7 x 6 mins = 42 mins

Notable moments: sweeping Kawai and hearing his suprise at just what the hell I did.It was using the sweep from the Jason Scully video I posted a couple of weeks back. Seems high percent from me from lasso leg in spider guard now.

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