Wednesday 3 June 2009

The 7th Day

Maybe I'm pushing too hard - I dunno. For the last 3 days I've slept about 6 hours each night. I get into bed and just lay there waiting for blissful slumber to overwhelm me. But nothing happens and my mind rolls over many thoughts while my body lies restless. Tonight after KenpoX I felt light-headed and slightly dizzy. Later in the night if I moved too fast I could feel my chest aching over the left side. I took my pulse and blood pressure and it was a little high, 140/70 with the pulse at 60. I think it may be the Spike I took earlier on as it is a caffeine stimulant. I just hope that I can get some much needed rest tonight. Perhaps a massage will release some tension. I have been pushing hard and being very strict on my diet. After a couple more weeks I will go onto the next phase of the diet I think, get some more carbs, less dairy and protein.

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